"Neighbors" review


I was trying to figure out what my first real post should be about and...well...i panicked.Didn't know what to do.So...the first thing that came up was a movie review(since that's what i'm about to do-watch another movie).And by 'review' i mean my personal opinion and thoughts about each movie.You may not agree with me...you may laugh,you may think i'm right.Whatever's the case i'm happy i'm sharing my thoughts and hoping whoever reads this finds it at least a little bit fun.

Let me just start by saying i was really looking forward for this movie.I was checking to see if it came out quite regularly and yesterday it finally did.
Got excited!Unfortunately i was disappointed.

Dont get me wrong.It's a fun movie.Laughed a few times.But in the end it sort of lost its "power".
But let's start from the beginning.
The movie is about a (young)couple with a baby who move into a new neighborhood and while they're adjusting they find out they have new neighbors.Unfortunately for them these neighbors are a frat house.And if you've seen any college movie then you know what that means.The whole story is how the couple tries to have the boys kicked out in order to get their peace and quiet back.But the road gets bumpy as you might guess...
So...Seth Rogen was...well...Seth Rogen.Always fun to watch.The baby was super cute and Rose(Byrne) is always nice to watch.Although she kinda looked too old to have a baby with Seth and being in that part but that's ok.
Zac Efron was as pretty as always..no surprise there.But you kinda wanted more of him on the screen.And Dave Franco was ok(he seems to me like he's always playing the same role)-(Although he's pretty good on imitating Robert De Niro).

The movie started pretty strong and fun and promising...Nice soundtrack too.Made you wanna pa-rtyyyyyyyy.Hard!Also made you want to be at one of "Teddy's" parties and go a little crazy.Ps.Loved that scene with Pete and Teddy's girlfriend and Kelly messing with them(London Bridge playing).
It also had some preeetty awkward scenes...Cringeworthy...Including dildos and breastfeeding.But you kinda expect it from a Seth and Dave movie.
Also some pretty funny ones.The one with the airbags and the fight in the end with the beer can and ceiling fan were hilarious.
What bummed me out was the ending.

I was expecting that the two parties would reconcile and they would live happily ever after...(which they kinda did...but in a very...boring way.)
Instead....the fighting did stop..yes..and Mac and Teddy were in good terms but the movie ends with a Zac working as a model for Abercrombie&F.Just emphasizing on the fact that Teddy was damn in the movie and having no progress in his life.And the couple just ends up happy taking silly photos of their baby.
I mean..i don't know...It was such a fun movie and it ended leaving you wanting more and thinking "that was really it?". Maybe i felt that way because once again i had high hopes for it.
But anyway.It's a nice comedy(not really for kids) and it's quite entertaining and if you're a Zac or Seth fan you should definitely go watch it.
I would give it: 7/10 homemade dildos-hahahahaha(sorry).

                                                        (ps.another reason to watch it-haha)



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