Hello world...

The idea of actually writing something,posting it and having someone read it is almost completely terrifying.But on the other hand totally exciting.The thought of someone reading this and thinking "hey this is cool" or "wow i thought so too" or  "this is exactly how it feels" is absolutelly worth the fear of typing.

It took me months if not years to actually do this.To find the courage to start putting myself out there.It is scary i have to admit.But i've been thinking about it for a long time.And recently i found about a lot of people who do this one way or another and it gave me strength.I admire those people so much.All of them started from nothing,writing about their lives,blogging or making videos and now have succeded and done amazing things.Things that other people dream about while sitting in their desk being terryfied of starting something different.Something out of their comfort zone. And this is exactly what this is for me.Very far away from my comfort zone.

If i have to thank someone for giving me the courage to start this it's deffinetely all these youtubers i've been watching for the past months,and i know this is not youtube but it is a start. And like every beggining it's difficult,scary and full of insecurity.

I am a shy person.Naturally.I don't really enjoy the spotlight unless i feel confident about something.And i'm not there yet.But i feel the need to speak my thoughts.Whatever they may be.Talking about feelings,being excited about an outfit or a movie. And you usually get to talk about these things with your friends,but what if you want to talk to someone else?Someone you don't even know but who feels or thinks the same thing as you.Sometimes it's hard to find that in real life,in your cyrcle.But somewhere in the world there are people who agree with you and who will find what you have to say extremelly interesting.

If someone asks me what this blog is going to be about i would have to say about everything.Everything that comes to my head.Everything that i feel the need to talk about.Regardless if it's about feelings,relationships,beauty,food,design,music,fashion,movies etc.I would like to say this is a fashion blog or a beauty blog but i'm no beauty guru for sure.I don't like labeling this because i don't really want to label myself.I kinda had this problem since i was younger and my friends already knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. I went through stages that i had a more specific idea but that was passing.I'm interested in and fascinated by a lot of things. And that's why i want to talk about them all if i can. And internet is just the place for this.

So if you want to know what's going to be in here you just need to know some things about me.I love movies(to death),movies that can make you smile,laugh,cry,fall in love,make your heart beat faster,make you feel inspired...i love fashion and style and music that can make your mind travel and feel happy or sad or excited.I love baking and drawing while listening to music or a favourite movie.I love travelling to places that make me happy or brand new and full of possibilities.I love getting sucked into a world while reading an amazing book.I love spending time with friends or family and laugh so much that it hurts.I love eating and enjoying drinks with a lovely company.I love taking pretty photos although i'm no photographer and i love decorating stuff and places.I love believing in love although that's never really the case and we end up hurt(usually because we are fooled by romantic movies hahaha).

And i love the idea of someone loving the same things...And that's the reason i'm doing this :)

 So...Bare with me(cuz this is super new to me) while i try to get the hang of things.



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