"Pretty Little Liars #FatalFinale" review

SPOILER ALERT-if you haven't watched the finale stop reading(5x12)

First let me tell you that my finale was spoiled by PLL's facebook page.I was chatting on facebook last night and at some point i thought of checking the news feed and by the time i realised there would be spoilers it was already late.I saw the RIP Mona posts...We were all thinking it might be her but still...this is PLL,anything could happen.So as you can imagine i was pretty pissed that this major thing was revealed before i saw the episode.
I think it really sucks for everyone not in the US(and the right time zone) that the moment the episode ends the spoilers are all over the social media.I get that when something important happens they have to post it and advertise it but on the other hand they could wait at least a day before they do so.A lot of people still wouldn't have seen it but at least it would give some of us a chance.The solution of course is pretty simple.Since i was going to watch the episode the next day i could have avoided facebook for half a day (i have seen people complain about spoilers countless times) but i was momentarily stupid.So my advice is if you don't want spoilers avoid social media until you watch the episode or just unlike the page.Trust me i know it can be very infuriating and frustrating.

So...back to the episode.
It was one of the good ones.Like...really good.It had everything..and i do mean everything.From romance,cute moments and Christmas decorations to shocking moments,blood and crying.To be completely honest i think too much happened for 40 minutes.They usually don't show anything and a whole episode passes with nothing happening and nothing being revealed but yesterday that was not the case.

The episode starts with the shocking finale("It's all your fault-A.") and then goes back to explain.A trick that never fails to intrigue no matter what series.We see Alison going through a lie detector test about the night she dissapeared and the girls finally being against her.We get to see Mona's house and mom for the first time and the girls about to team up with her(since they think Alison is A).Toby has graduated the Police Academy(way too soon) ,Aria and Ezra bake pies together to spend Thanksgiving at Aria's house(with her whole family) ,Hanna and Caleb seem to be in a good place and even Emily and Paige seem to have reconciled and share a kiss.We even get to see the gang decorate Emily's house for Christmas (this year the special episode is going to be a Christmas and not a Halloween one).Spencer and Mona with the help of the others get inside Radley in order to find information about Bethany (and they do) and then the writers scared us with Toby's car accident(that was kinda random actually-hopefully there's going to be a reason for it).After that Spencer got arrested for killing Bethany.Then we see Mona listening to tapes from Radley and finding out that Mrs D and Bethany's dad had an affair which led her to believe that that's proof that Alison is A.She managed to tell Aria on the phone before someone in a hood broke into her house and killed her.The episode ends with the girls being shocked and someone putting baby Jesus(Christmas decoration) in a trunk over Mona's dead body.

Uhhh... i don't even know where to start :P .
First of, it was nice seeing all the couples being back together and sharing these cute moments.Spencer and Toby and Aria and Ezra especially were super cute.And the whole decorating part was really festive and pretty(although super awkward watching it in August with 35 degrees Celsius).Also it was nice seeing that part of Mona and the girls to encounter her not as the enemy but as an ally.They actually worked really good together.The ending(the scene in the trunk in particular) was amazingly creepy and creepily amazing.Mona's face was just so haunting that i doubt anyone will forget it any time soon.Props to the director!!!

Now to the dissapointing parts...Toby graduated so fast it seemed terribly fake.And Spencer getting arrested was just wrong(hmmm maybe Toby's accident happened so he wouldn't be able to go to work and help her from the inside).Also, like i said, the whole episode felt a little rushed but still...we really liked it.And of course i think a lot of people(myself included) didn't want Mona to die.Her character was very unique and she was always crucial to the plot.

I read quite a few comments in the facebook posts before i wrote this cuz i wanted to see what everyone thought and what were their guesses.A lot of people seem to think that the twins story is somehow gonna happen whether it follows the books or not.I don't know.I've heard that Marlene said it wouldn't but then again...noone knows.And now with the whole Bethany stuff the rumors have rekindled.Some say that Bethany had a twin and that's A who is now taking revenge for what Alison did to her...All we know is that Mona thought Alison was jealous after finding out about the affair and wanted to mess with Bethany.
Now back to Mona.And the killer.The person who got up the stairs had long blonde hair(a lot like Alison's),while the person Mona saw when the door opened had shorter hair.Was that just a goof or a hint that there was more than one person in the house?Mona sure looked shocked and terrified whoever she saw.Alison on the other hand looked pretty satisfied in the end.She is turning up to be quite a monster in our eyes.
There's also a theory that Mona faked her death and that she was saving up her blood(on the episode she fainted) to use it in this scene.After all there was no body found up to that point.I think this theory is actually pretty clever considering she knew that the moment she found out something she would be first in A's list.But unfortunately we saw the body in the end.And she sure looked dead.Although...there was something very strange about her face and expression.She almost looked like a doll.Anyway...who knows.They say she's going to be in the next episodes in flashbacks but we NEVER really know...

Facts are...this was an episode that reminded us why we love this show and that for whatever reasons we are going to miss Mona's character and we definitely can't wait until the next episode airs.And the wait is going to be long.But until then...we can rewatch the show looking for answers or even take a PLL break and start watching something else!!!


ps.here's a link to Janel's interview about the finale


  1. I don't think Ali is 'A.' Why? Firstly, there was a fight, broken glass, blood downstairs, etc.. Secondly, 'A's' hair was tangled (could see when entered room) and unless Alison decided to have a makeover in between the time Mona died and the Liars came to her house, it wasn't her. For all we know it could have been a wig. There are still at least 2.5 seasons left. A isn't going to be revealed yet. I'm thinking Ali may be involved (blackmailed?) or just covering her own butt. In other news CeCe is back for Christmas. She's high on my suspect list. If Ali was being blackmailed, or if CeCe was pretending to help her, she could easily manipulate the situation, not to mention she was wearing that yellow top that both Ali and Bethany had, AND she was talking with Melissa 'that night.' Also, remember when she was talking to Holbrook? "I know who killed that girl (Beth)/(hurt her)the same person who's still trying to." Either she was playing the cops or she knows something.

    1. Hey :)
      Totally agree with you about Ali not being A.Although she's turning out to be quite evil if you ask me.She's scaring me a little.
      Haven't heard anything about Cece but i don't really like her so i'm hoping it's someone else behind this.Poor Mona though...

    2. Just had a thought. We know 'A' wasn't active for a few episodes into season 5, and it seems that it would fit the timeline it took CeCe to get to Paris, and then to get back. Not to mention that 'A' got a new apartment as well! I love CeCe too, but she's really suspicious right now. Also, have you heard the theory that there were two people in Mona's house. I went back and looked and the difference in hair is significant. Although I don't think Ali is 'A,' the person walking up Mona's stairs sure looked a lot like her body/hair type. If anything she was getting blackmailed since Mona as 'A' was exposed.

    3. Yeah i mentioned the two people theory in the post
      Can't wait to see...


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