Pirates of the Caribbean:Franchise Review

Ahoy, matey!
I watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl when i was still in school, about 14 years old and i loved it. 11 years later and i still love the franchise(especially the first trilogy). Back then, watching a film like this was a big deal for me. Other than Harry Potter all i watched was comedies or rom-coms. Throughout the years i watched and enjoyed all the films and here we are now waiting of the next one(sadly it's going to be a long wait).
The reason i decided to write about them is that i just rewatched them. The other day POTC 3 was on tv and i only caught a couple of scenes but it reminded me of how amazing it is and since i have only seen the movies once (other than the first) i thought it was a good time for a POTC marathon. I started with just a few scenes from Curse of the Black Pearl just to catch up, but i ended watching the whole thing once again. Then...the rest followed. I was so excited and hyped about them afterwards that i thought they deserved a mention in here. So here we go....

Curse of the Black Pearl

The first movie is the only one i actually own on dvd and i was obssessed with it. I’ve watched it multiple times and every little bit of the second(extras) dvd. The best thing about it(because sometimes series can be boring), is that it can be a standalone movie, completely independent from the rest. It has a beginning and an ending(an amazing one of that) and if for some reason you don't want to watch anything else you won't have the feeling of something incomplete.
The whole series is known for a few things that are reasons alone to watch it. Amazing cast and acting, magical music themes, breathtaking locations and unreal special effects.
And if that's not enough let's go to more detail.
 Of course (like i'm pretty sure every girl) i fell in love with Orlando Bloom. I mean...how can you not? Will is so perfect in every way and you just can't resist. You also kinda fall in love with Jack(Johnny Depp) but for different reasons. Jack Sparrow is one of the funniest, most lovable pirates and a one of a kind role for Johnny, probably the best of his career(or at least personal favorite). I think we could talk about his performance for hours and it still wouldn't be enough for his amazingness so… moving on. The whole cast is very talented with next personal favorites Keira Knightley and Geoffrey Rush(as Elizabeth and Barbossa). Speaking of Keira, how gorgeous is she in this one?(especially the scenes with the oxblood dress). The crew also needs mentioning. From the talented director to all the stuff working on wardrobe and makeup(if you watch the BTS you'll appreciate their work a lot more).
The story is really interesting, the special effects are crazy detailed and impressive, the fight scenes beautifully choreographed, the scenery mesmerizing(especially Isla de Muerta, the cay island and the clear waters of the Caribbean). But one of the most mention worthy things is the soundtrack. The Pirates theme song is so EPIC that it gives me goosebumps every time. You can hear it in fight scenes and in the end credits. I also love the ending song with Will and Elizabeth. That kiss scene was my favorite at the time and i have watched it countless times.
The fact is the first one is probably my favorite. If not, a tie with the third one.


Dead Man's Chest

After the crazy success of the first movie they decided to come back with two more films and make it a trilogy. So... everybody came back and filmed the movies back to back this time. And...three years later we had our sequels which released in 2006 and 2007. While the first could be a standalone, this one can't. It helps develop the story arc for the next one. That being said it's equally great.
Starts with an interrupted wedding scene in the rain with amazing photography. And journeys in a crazy island(with even crazier residents) and around the seas with a new "villain" to face. New faces are introduced along with the old and familiar ones, with the highlight being the appearance of The Flying Dutchman and its crew. Davy Jones, its captain, is pretty much the center of this movie and if you have loved to hate Barbossa just wait... The fact that Bill Nighy is playing the part is just the cherry on top. If you were impressed by the special effects in the cursed-skeleton pirates you're just gonna be in awe with the sea creature-mutant ones. The production has really stepped up its game in this area. I don't want to spoil the story too much so i'm just gonna say that Jack Sparrow has some unresolved issues with Davy Jones and everyone is getting involved in the mix. Other highlights of the movie include a crazy three-way sword fight on the top of a giant moving wheel, the appearance of the famous Kraken, an unexpected kiss scene and a big surprise at the end. And if all that was not enough for you...let me tell you...you can't skip this movie because then the next one wouldn't make any sense :P .


At World's End

The third film like i said is probably my favorite of the series. So much is going on that you get a little lost but it's worth it. The final installment of the trilogy is just EPIC. (Trivia:With a production budget of $300 million, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is the most expensive film ever made to date).
This time we're taken on a trip to Davy Jones's Locker and back and the journey is amazing! From icebergs and stary skies to waterfalls and a capsized ship. The acting in this one is even better if that's possible and every scene is so beautifully made that you'll be lost in this world. Orlando is the hottest he has been and it makes me a little sad that he didn't have a little more screen time(especially with Keira) because this film revolves a little bit more around him and his story. Once again amazing soundtrack and special effects(even greater than the last one,trust me). The fight scenes in this one are even more impressive including a crazy one in a Maelstrom and the ending one where the Pearl and Dutchman team up against their common enemy.
Watching it you'll laugh, you'll be in an awe and you'll probably also cry. It has everything.... Being the last of the trilogy this one ties a lot of loose ends but unfortunately concludes the story of Will and Elizabeth and Davy Jones's. Which to me is the only downside of the movie, along with how it ended for them which is kinda sad.
And now moving on to… 

On Stranger Tides

This is my least favorite and the reason is one. The fact that Orlando and Keira aren't in it. I realise that their story ended but still. I wanted them to always be in the movies. Sigh…
Anyway. If you don’t mind their absence then you’ll probably enjoy this one as well. Now that the trilogy is gone, this one can be a standalone too. The cast is a mixture of old and new characters. Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush and Kevin McNally are all reprising their roles, but they’re joined by Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane and Sam Claflin(from Hunger Games). Penelope’s character is Jack’s love interest in this one, although we don’t really see much happening between them. I’m not a big fan of hers but somehow the role is quite fitting. Sam, even though his role is not terribly big, plays an important part in the story. And by the end of the film you will definitely remember his face (like I did), he’s adorable and sexy (thankfully we got to see him semi-naked again in Catching Fire). The story is interesting, we follow the gang on a journey to Fountain of Youth (already mentioned in POTC 3). Each character wants to find it for their own hidden agenda. Some for more noble reasons, some for selfish ones and some purely for revenge. The movie is funny as always, with great fight scenes and beautiful locations and it’s quite entertaining. To me it felt like something was missing(well…I know what :P ), but hey, that’s just me…

All in all… Pirates of the Caribbean is an amazing franchise. Totally worth watching. If Harry Potter is too “childish” for you(I don’t think it is at all), and Twilight and Hunger Games and all the new film series are a little too grim or very “teen drama” and just “not your thing” then Pirates are the way to go. You’re gonna spend 9-10 hours full of remarkable acting, hilarious scenes, astonishing scenery, amazing special effects, epic fight scenes and just the right amount of romance.
So… If for some reason you haven't seen them already, i suggest you do so now… Or in case you have already seen them(like me) but you’re someone who enjoys rewatching your favorite films, maybe you should consider a marathon evening. (I actually just watched them in four nights but still.) Now that the weather is cold and rainy, what better way to spend your weekend than cozying up to your couch, alone or with friends (or family) and enjoying a good movie(or 4). Get your popcorn ready and dive in to an amazing pirate world and join them in a fascinating journey. (Oh and while you're at it you might want to get the soundtrack cuz it’s pretty awesome).

Now, bring me that horizon…
And really bad eggs...Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!”



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is Curse of the Black Pearl seriously 11 years old?! Wow! Time flies! I think I like the first one the best. Although the other ones are pretty good as well.


  3. I know right???Can't believe it has been this long!!!

  4. This is a pretty terrible review. For one, you think this franchise isn't childish... It is. And you think that At World's End is the best! Curse of the Black Pearl is a brilliant movie, but the second and third weren't really needed. They were pretty good, I'll admit.

    I find it hilarious that you think the only bad thing about the fourth one is the lack of Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom. xD

  5. Well,this is simply my opinion.You don't have to be rude. Besides you said you liked all three of them.I actually said that the first one is probably my favorite....
    And as for the 4th, the lack of them isn't the only bad thing, but for me it was important.


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