Lockdown 2.0

Well, Hello World....

Long time no see.

But since we're in our second lockdown i thought it would be a good time to talk.

We are, as i mentioned on our second quarantine..or lockdown (more acurately as we're not sick) as from today. Crazy times huh? I don't know where you are in the world but where i'm from they were reassuring us that a second lockdown is not an option. And that it was a crazy scenario, very unlikely to happen again. They said that it would be terrible for the economy so it wasn't an option... And since the goverment opened the boarders in summer to save the economy -and putting our health at risk-  i thought they would put the economy first once again and not proceed into lockdown. Boyyy...was i wrong. 

To be honest i really thought we dogded the bullet. Don't get me wrong. I was actually pretty certain that a second lockdown would happen during winter but then i thought hey maybe not. Things went on quite slow where i live. It started with closing cafes, restaurants, bars etc at midnight... and then it progressed to closing up all entertainment businesses. And then... lockdown.

So here we are... 

Back in our pyjamas. Back on our couches. Back feeling weird. Never in a million years would i have imagined that in my early thirties i'd have gone through two quarantines. I guess that's life for ya.

I spent the last time eating, watching One tree hill and talking to my friends. I guess the second time around is going to be slightly easier. I mean last time everything was so unknown and up in the air. I was the model citizen on our first lockdown. I never even went for a walk or at the supermarket. Since i'm not big on working out the going out part wasn't that hard- no need to go for walks or a run- and since everything can be delivered at your door i didn't really have a reason to leave my house. To be honest i was quite scared to do so. Not so much about the virus itself but i was more scared of the unknown. I didn't feel like going out. I didn't know how to act..and what to expect..

So i was staying in, watching my favorite show to make me feel warm and fuzzy (if possible during a pandemic) and trying to get to the next day. One thing that really bothered me the last time, was that everyone and i mean EVERYONE was suddenly extremely into working out. And posting about it. Even people that i follow for their beauty and fashion content have become gym obsessed. The pressure i felt was crazy. I felt lazy and like a potato. Finally, during the last days of lockdown i caved and i started doing mini workouts. So unprepared that i didn't even have a yoga mat to use. I ended up using blankets and felt quite silly. Anyway. It sorta worked. I felt that moving even a little made me feel less stressed and slightly accomplished.

So...this time i came prepared. Two days before lockdown i went and bought a fitness mat so i can use it if i feel so. And i did. One mini workout is a good start.

This time i'll try to maybe work out a little, go for walks, go to the supermarket if i have to and read some books. I'll try to do the lockdown better.

Now, i might have caved into thinking i need to work out and be slightly productive , but truth is you don't have to. A lot of people were overtrying to make us think that we have to be super productive and they probably made you feel quite shitty about yourself but you shouldn't feel this way. We are going through tough times, weird times..that nothing in our lives so far prepared us for , so you can cut yourself some slack. If you want to work out and work and be productive in any way that's fine. If you want to lay on your couch and watch movies then that's fine too. The important thing is to feel good and calm and safe. The important thing is to stay inside. Now how you spend that time is up to you. 

So... Stay home, be safe and let's all hope that this pandemic will be over soon, so we can return to our everyday lives.

Love, A.


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