Preparing for Fall

I know that technically it's already fall, but where i live felt like summer up until recently, so i'm not that late on this. Fall is a weird season and i think that's why because it is both an ending and a beginning. It is the end of summer...The end of tank tops and jean shorts, the end of tanned skin and sandals and wavy salty hair. But it is at the same time the beginning of a new era if you will. School or College is starting, everyone is back from vacation and it is time to hide your bathing suits and get the sand off your shoes and make decisions of how the rest of the year is going to pan out. It is sort of like New Year's...or maybe September is the Monday of the year(and October the Tuesday)...You gotta make plans, organize and start over...
It is the perfect time for changes and a fresh start. For me fall is kinda sad because i'm not over summer and the cold and the cloudy weather brings me down. For others, it is their favorite season. Colored leaves everywhere, pumpkins and pumpkin spice everything , Halloween and the holiday season is right around the corner. But whatever the case is for you i'm gonna share with you some of my tips(if you like) on how to start and survive this season.

Organize and Reorganize:
Now that it's fall and you're hiding away your summer clothes it is a good time to fix and reorganize your closet. And why not...the rest of your room. Take your time (now, before you're drowned in commitments) and go through your closets. I'm pretty sure they're messy and that if you dig up you'll find many pieces that you never wear and don't intend to… It's just dumb to take space in your closet if there's no chance of using them. So throw them away. Or better yet...Give them to charity or someone in need. You'll feel good and you'll be doing something nice ('re gonna have free space for new stuff).
Do the same thing for your desk or office area. Throughout the year ,we don't realize it but, we're just keeping stuff and stacking up on useless things we think we need creating a mess by the end of summer. Time to throw these away and make a clean space for yourself and the "new year". You're going to feel a lot lighter and it is a great start.

Fall and winter is the time of year you're gonna be spending more time at home. That's usually because of schoolwork or work in general but also cuz even if you have free time it's too cold to be spending it all out. So, that means more time at home, sitting on the couch, watching movies(or tv shows) with a hot cup of tea or cocoa(or a glass of wine-if you are of age). Whether you live alone and you can change your whole space or just your bedroom it is the perfect time for a mini makeover.
Your goal is to make your space a lot more cozy and you can achieve that by making little changes without spending a fortune. You can change your beddings into something more fall appropriate which means darker colors such as burgundy, orange, brown, purple, blue, grey and red. You can also add a few more pillows to your bed to make it more cozy.
Fairy lights and even more fairy lights(if you think they're just for Christmas you're wrong).You can put them above your bed frame ,around your desk or window or pretty much everywhere and they make your room just magical.
Candles, candles, candles...You probably already know that and already have a wide fall selection to choose from. But candles work the same way as fairy lights. They make beautiful little corners and the smell is a bonus.
And if you're not on a budget you can go bigger by actually buying new furniture. A new bed maybe, or a new desk to work on or maybe even a new armchair to sit and enjoy a good book.(Speaking of books...putting some of them on a little coffee table or your nightstand instead of hidden on a bookcase is a good idea.)

Speaking of mini makeovers...fall is the time to give yourself one. And by that i mean a change in hair. Do you have super long hair? Time to chop it and go for a shorter do. Are you a brunette? Go blonde...Ombre or highlights. Is your hair tired from the sun and the bleaching? Go for a rich brown color and give them a break. Are you sick of your short bob? Go and try some extensions and change it up. Trust me…a dramatic hair change (or maybe not so dramatic if you're scared) can go a long way...and it will definitely give you a confidence boost for the rest of the winter.
Also give your hot pink and coral lipsticks a break and embrace the darker tones. Reds, oxblood, purples and browns maybe even black if you're too daring. They look amazing and they make you feel fierce. Same goes for nail polish. No more yellows and teals. Time for brown, burgundy, grey, blue, black, (nudes) and maybe even a little sparkle.

 Fall is one of the best seasons fashion wise. It's not too cold to be covered by huge jackets but just enough to layer and look fashionable. Fall is also a good excuse to go shopping. Revamp your closet. Once again it is all about the colors. Darker pieces are going to replace all the light summery ones. Let's start.
Since it’s probably not that cold out yet, you can mix and match your summer and fall items. Are you in love with your jean shorts? Did you buy a floral dress and you didn’t get to wear it as much as you’d like? No worries! You can totally still were them. Just replace the sandals with some boots or brogues(or oxfords), add a cardigan or a jacket and a scarf and most importantly your tights and you’re good to go! Really fun and stylish J.

One thing you should invest in is a big, warm, cozy yet stylish coat. Now if you ask me if you should spend money on an everyday one or a more dressy one, my answer is on the first. And that's because it makes more sense to spend money on something you're going to be wearing almost every day (that you could dress up or down) than buying a fancy coat that you'll probably just wear a few times. Make sure you find a staple piece though that goes with most of your clothes and that you'll find yourself reaching for it every time. The same goes for a bag. Especially if you want to splurge on one you need to find a piece that is stylish and that goes with everything and is comfortable to carry.
Fall is the time of statement jackets, necklaces and big fluffy scarfs. Trust can be wearing a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt and then by adding a jacket/blazer and a necklace you'll be completely transformed from casual to stylish. The bigger the necklace(or the scarf) the better.
One of my favorite things about fall and winter is the sweaters. They're warm and comfortable and fun to wear...---PLUS they're a BIG DO this season paired with all kinds of skirts!!!---And if not skirts, you can wear them with your trusty jeans (boyfriend or skinny).Speaking of jeans another favorite of mine are coloured jeans and pants(maybe even floral).Changing your pair of blue jeans with a burgundy pair(Yes i love burgundy and oxblood) makes a hugeee difference.
And finally from pants let's go to shoes. I'm a sneakers kind of girl and they're usually my go to shoe...but if you want something a little more stylish or feminine i think boots are the way to go. They're comfortable, easy to walk in, they keep your feet warm and they are super stylish. If you go shopping right now i think you'll find some great ones. Whether you want something simple or colorful, heel or no heel, casual or dressier.
Wow...i talked way too much about clothes but the gist is this. Nothing looks more effortlessly cool(and of course season appropriate) than a pair of jeans, a simple sweater and cool coat paired with some boots, a statement bag and your sunglasses.

Now that you're fall ready externally you should get ready internally too...(hahaha-that sounded weird).For me September is like the start of the year (kinda similar to New Year's).Summer and fun is over and you kinda have to pull your s#@t together. I know that "a resolutions list" is more of a New Year's thing but you can make one now too. Or better yet if you have already made one you can take a little peak at it and see how you're doing. Have you accomplished anything from it? Is there something in it that you want to do and still have some time before the year is over???Now is your time. Think of what you like and what makes you happy and try to make it happen. Get a new hobby that will help you get through the winter and stick to it. Do something new. Do something for yourself.

I'm sorry for the long post...These are some of the things i was thinking and i thought i'd write them down. I hope they are helpful to someone. So...put on your sweaters, grab your beverages and let's dive into this winter together...


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